Posts Tagged ‘Chinen Yuri’

Its Yamada Ryosuke. No? Ohh it’s Nakayama Yuma.

I have this envy+jealousy thing over those ‘kids’ younger than me who successfully made their debut but when I saw Chinen and Yamada in VS Arashi, Yuma in Koishite Akuma n Yuto in a Shonen Club show, I started to have some interest in them. I’m one of their fan now anyway =P

I’ve always thought that its going to be Yamada. You know, the ‘next big thing’ thing? Go youtube him and you’ll get tons of vids of him especially when you come across his concert performance. Its sexy I can tell. And he dances so beautifully and flawlessly and confidently! Have you guys watch his Hidarime Tantei Eye? A short drama where he acted along Yokoyama Yu and Ishihara Satomi (ooohhh love her! ><) and I can say, his acting is good! Kawaii-ly done. I especially love his face expression in it, its so real >_< So when I read the post about Yuma in livejournal, honestly speaking I was shocked since I’ve always have the image of Yamada standing along the same line as KimuTaku, Takki and Pi; maybe? I know there was Hikaru Genji and Matchy and all but I’m not too familiar with them so yeah, Yamada fits right into my head.

Some  of  the fan says that they should really take Arashi as an example; slowly take their steps and maturely prepare themselves to achieve of what they are today and I couldn’t agree more. Come on… How many years have Yuma really involved in the industry? How many dramas? How many singles? When Johnny’s debut his Jr. way too early for those kids, pushing Yuma to get through this as if a fast lane was prepared to him won’t get him to the top easily and many of us thinks that he won’t stay for long if it really happens. I obviously didn’t ‘approve’ of their appearance in Kouhaku; you guys knew about it right? Arashi deserves it but NYC with BIS? Don’t think so~

Its not that I hate Yuma or anything but when things like these happen (is it true that NEWS have less appearance because of highlighting Yuma too much?), it is just so not fair and sometime it’s kinda… Ridiculous?

Lets see whats gonna happen, kore kara.

*thanks to xinkoe who rote  in aramatheydidnt@LJ for the info and google search for images

Arashi is one thing that I can never resist. I’m growing to know and love more J-artistes but in the end I’ll still be looking or their clips or PVs or dramas; whatever. Just couldn’t help it.

Riida begging for handicap XD

Riida begging for handicap XD

Yamada @VS Arashi

Yamada @VS Arashi

Last night I’m supposed to finish a quiz, finalize my Nihongo class’ assignment and study for my test today but as the tittle goes, I was toggling all of that with VS Arashi where Chinen and Yamada comes as the guest. They are so funny (both Arashi and those NYC boys) and super cute and adorable; I was repeating the same VS Arashi for about 3-4 times and still, I don’t think I’ve had enough =P

Few highlights: Sakumiya’s baka-ness when they are about to start the Rolling Coin Tower – Nino’s expression when he made the coins fell – Riida’s threatening Chinen to delete his email eddress from phonebook at Falling Pipes – Arashi’s begging for Jun to ‘repair’ the marks – Jun’s kowaiikunai face to Yamada. And I notice one more thing; Riida is talking and acting very leader-ness this time around! Maybe he wants to show his good side to Chinen-kun? Hehe. All are LOVE! ^^

And ever since I completed the tracks for Arashi’s new single album, Arashi 5×10 All the Best!, I keep repeating the 5×10. I was… How to say? That song has a nostalgic feeling in it? I even like the remix version of it (note that I’m not a big fan of remixes).

Arashi 5x10 All the Best! Album cover ^^

Arashi 5x10 All the Best! Album cover ^^

Total selling for 1st 3 days for All the Best! album are over 750,000 copies, sugoi!!! Like I used to say on my post before; Arashi saiko-desu! ^^